

Updated by LittleMsSam (23 October 2024)



This mod for The Sims 4 fixes several bugs associated with violins and guitars. One of these bugs was discovered by a user of my Keep Instruments in Inventory mod, however the bugs are not caused by that mod it just made it easier to notice some of the games faults. These fixes are required for the base game only in order to obtain or fulfill several whims and actions that would otherwise not appear or work properly.

The following bugs are fixed:

Whims for playing the guitar or violin would not appear unless an instrument was on the lot - instruments in the inventory were not considered.

Whims for the violin could not be satisified by using a violin from the inventory, only one on the lot.

The whim to play a guitar at the lounge could not be satisifed by using a guitar from the inventory.

The whim to write a jingle could not be satisified by using a guitar from the inventory or any violin.

The pie menu choices for instruments in the inventory would not offer the write jingle action.

Adds fixes for serenades, bring to tears and jam whims.



Just unzip the package file to your Mods folder as usual.

This mod may cause conflicts with other mods which change the violin or guitar playing whims or the jingle-writing action. Due to the wide variety of mods and sources for them, it is unlikely I will be able to help you with such a conflict. If there is a conflict, either one or both mods may fail to work properly.


Tech Notes
This may be of interest if you are experiencing a conflict and know how to debug such issues, or if you are creating another mod which changes the violin or guitar playing whims or the jingle-writing action and wish to incorporate these changes to eliminate conflicts. If you do create another mod using these changes, I would appreciate receiving credit.

The following XML resources are modified:

  • S4_28B64675_00000000_0000000000008623 - whimSet_Guitar

  • S4_28B64675_00000000_0000000000008624 - whimSet_Piano

  • S4_28B64675_00000000_0000000000008625 - whimSet_Violin

  • S4_598F28E7_00000000_00000000000085E2 - Whim_PlayTheGuitar

  • S4_598F28E7_00000000_00000000000085E4 - Whim_JamOnTheGuitar

  • S4_598F28E7_00000000_00000000000085EC - Whim_SeranadeOnGuitar

  • S4_598F28E7_00000000_00000000000085FE - Whim_PlayTheViolin

  • S4_598F28E7_00000000_0000000000008602 - Whim_SeranadeOnViolin

  • S4_598F28E7_00000000_0000000000008605 - Whim_BringToTearsOnViolin

  • S4_598F28E7_00000000_0000000000008790 - Whim_Entertainer_WriteJingle

  • S4_598F28E7_00000000_00000000000095F1 - Whim_PlayTheGuitar_AtLounge_Travel

  • S4_E882D22F_00000000_00000000000092D9 - guitar_WriteJingle_Inventory

  • S4_E882D22F_00000000_00000000000189ED - violin_WriteJingle_Inventory

Additional Credits:

As always thanks go to Velocitygrass for the Sims4XmlExtractor and Kuree and all the others at Sims4Group who have put together the S4PE tool.

Also, thanks to Wheatberry at Mod The Sims for finding the violin playing whim bug that kicked off this flurry of bugfixes.