No More Creepy Play Date Calls
Updated by NeedCoffee4That (8 August 2024)
Maybe it's just me, but I find the text messages that adult Sims can get from unknown children to come play with them to be just a bit disturbing. Sure, it is just a game, but does EAxis really think that all of the Sims I play are Senators?
I thought perhaps this was happening due to a bad save game from before they fixed the relationship code in the game as I didn't remember that happening in the past when I played; however, starting a brand new game demonstrated the same results. Child Sims would text the adult Sim I was playing asking him to come play with them, even though he'd never even met those children once. Creepy - what is wrong with Sim parents they give these children phones?
I would consider this mod to be more of a bug fix than anything. This eliminates the texts from unknown children:
Child and teen Sims in your household can receive texts requesting a play date, but only from children they have met and have at least a 15% positive relationship with.
Young-adult, adult and elder Sims can receive texts, but only from children they are related to who they have at least a 50% positive relationship with.
To install, unzip the package contained in the download file into your game's mod folder. It can be placed in a sub-folder if desired.
Tech Notes
The package for this mod overrides two resources in the game.
Any other mod which alters these resources will conflict with this mod:
6E0DDA9F_00000000_000000000001CA11 (filter_IsFriend_NPC_Invite_PlayDate)
2553F435_00000000_000000000001E651 (dramaNode_NPCInvite_PlayDate)
Two new resources are added to the game to add the ability for adult Sims to be texted in a non-creepy fashion:
6E0DDA9F_00000000_91CFD9C7CF14B5CE (Scumbumbo_filter_IsFriend_NPC_Invite_Relation_PlayDate)
2553F435_00000000_DDEC83AF4AFFED0D (Scumbumbo_dramaNode_NPCInvite_Relation_PlayDate)
Additional Credits
Kuree and all the others at Sims4Group who have put together the S4PE tool