Updated by LittleMsSam (26 February 2025)
This mod for The Sims 4 will make a sim keep a copy of a book after the book is published. Self-written books in the sim's inventory which have already been submitted to a publisher or the literary digest cannot be republished and will be grayed out.
Just unzip the package file to your Mods folder as usual.
This mod may cause conflicts with other mods which change the book publishing actions. Due to the wide variety of mods and sources for them, it is unlikely I will be able to help you with such a conflict. If there is a conflict, either one or both mods may fail to work properly.
Tech Notes
This may be of interest if you are experiencing a conflict and know how to debug such issues, or if you are creating another mod which changes book publishing actions and wish to incorporate these changes to eliminate conflicts. If you do create another mod using these changes, I would appreciate receiving credit.
The following XML resources are modified:
S4_E882D22F_00000000_0000000000008521 - writing_SelfPublish
S4_E882D22F_00000000_0000000000008523 - mailbox_Writing_SelfPublish
S4_E882D22F_00000000_000000000000893F - writing_SellToPublisher
S4_E882D22F_00000000_0000000000008940 - mailbox_Writing_SellToPublisher
S4_E882D22F_00000000_00000000000089DA - writing_SellCopy
S4_E882D22F_00000000_00000000000089DC - mailbox_Writing_SellCopy
Mod Version 3 and later adds modifications for the wall mailboxes in City Living:
S4_E882D22F_00000018_0000000000024F44 - mailboxWall_Writing_SelfPublish
S4_E882D22F_00000018_0000000000024F46 - mailboxWall_Writing_SellCopy
S4_E882D22F_00000018_0000000000024F48 - mailboxWall_Writing_SellToPublisher
Additional Credits
Kuree and all the others at Sims4Group who have put together the S4PE tool.